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How to change bullets color in ppt

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PowerPoint presentations often rely on bullet points to convey key information in a clear and concise way. But let’s face it, plain black bullets can be a bit…boring. Thankfully, injecting some color into your bullets can significantly boost the visual appeal and engagement of your slides. Here’s a comprehensive guide on How to change bullets color in ppt i.e. PowerPoint, complete with helpful visuals to guide you along the way!

Method 1: The One-Click Wonder

  1. Select the Text Box: Start by clicking on the text box containing the bullet points you want to modify.
How to change bullets color in ppt
How to change bullets color in ppt
  1. Hit the Bullets Button: Locate the “Bullets” button on the Home tab within the Paragraph group. It’s the icon with five horizontal lines and an arrow pointing down.
How to change bullets color in ppt
  1. Navigate to Bullet Options: A drop-down menu will appear, displaying various bullet styles. Click on the “Bullets and Numbering” option at the bottom.
  1. Unleash the Color Palette: In the Bullets and Numbering dialog box, click on the “Color” dropdown menu next to “Bullets.” A vibrant spectrum of colors awaits!
  1. Pick Your Perfect Hue: Choose the color that best complements your slide’s design and enhances the readability of your text. You can even preview the changes live before committing.
How to change bullets color in ppt
  1. Click “OK” and Witness the Transformation: Hit the “OK” button to apply the chosen color to your bullet points. Your once ordinary slides now boast a touch of colorful personality.
How to change bullets color in ppt

Method 2: For How to change bullets color in ppt

  1. Select the Individual Bullet: This method lets you change the color of specific bullet points within a list. Click on the desired bullet point itself to activate it.
How to change bullets color in ppt
  1. Access Font Formatting: Head over to the Home tab and locate the “Font” group. Click on the down arrow next to the “Font Color” icon.
How to change bullets color in ppt
  1. Unleash the Color Spectrum: A familiar color palette will appear. Just as before, choose the color you want for your selected bullet point.
How to change bullets color in ppt
  1. Repeat for More Colorful Customization: Select and color-ize individual bullet points as needed to create a unique and visually striking pattern.
How to change bullets color in ppt

Remember, changing bullet point colors is just one way to add visual interest and engagement to your PowerPoint presentations. So unleash your inner designer, embrace the color palette, and watch your slides transform from ordinary to extraordinary!

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